Dimitrios Samaras M.D.
Dr Dimitrios SAMARAS completed his postgraduate medical training in Switzerland where he obtained his title in Internal Medicine and in Geriatrics. Concurrently with his studies, he obtained medical diplomas in “Nutrition of the elderly” and in “Rheumatology and systemic diseases”, respectively at the University “Pierre et Marie Curie” in Paris and at the University “Louis Pasteur” in Strasbourg. His particular interest in the prevention of aging led him to become a Board member of the “American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine” in the United-States of America.
He has worked as an attending physician in the University Hospitals of Geneva, in the fields of Geriatrics, Bone Diseases and Clinical Nutrition. He is currently continuing his academic activities as consultant physician at the University Hospitals of Geneva in the Unity of Clinical Nutrition.
He has a particular interest in micronutrients and nutraceuticals (foods with pharmaceutical properties) and how they can be used to promote a healthy aging. His nutritional program called mispoon combines the need for a “lifestyle revision” with evidence-based medicine promoting thus a successful aging. His first book is already published in French and in Greek.
Dr Samaras is an awarded author of multiple scientific publications on nutrition, micronutrition, hormonal substitution and aging, published both in Europe and North America. His profile as well as his capacity to easily explain medical information and making it accessible for everybody has made him popular in Swiss media (television, radio, newspapers) for commenting nutritional news and literature.
Dec 2012-Now
Private practice, aggregated physician in Clinique Générale Beaulieu
Consultant Physician in the Department of Medical Specialties, Unity of Clinical Nutrition, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland
Pr Pichard, Head of the Service
June 2014-Now
Consultant Nutritionist, Hôtel des Bergues, Four Seasons, 33 Quai des Bergues 1201 Genève
April 2014- June 2015
Consultant Nutritionist, Centre d’Oncologie des Eaux-Vives Rue de Maunoir 26, 1207 Genève
Jan 2013- Mai 2013
Consultant Nutritionist, Centre de Médecine Interne et ses Spécialités, Clinique La Colline, Geneva
Dec 2011-Nov 2012
Attending Physician in the Department of Medical Specialties, Unity of Clinical Nutrition, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland
Pr Pichard, Head of the Service
Oct 2009-Nov 2011
Attending Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatrics, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland
Pr Gold, Head of the Service
Oct 2008-Sept 2009
Resident in the Department of Community Medicine and Primary care, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland
Pr Gaspoz, Head of the Department
Oct 2006-Sept 2008
Resident in the Department of Internal Medicine of the Hospital of Jura, Delémont, Switzerland
Pr Reusser, Head of the Service
Oct 2004-Sept 2006
Resident in the Department of Rehabilitation and Geriatrics, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland
Pr Michel, Head of the Department
Oct 2003-Sept 2004
Resident in the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry/Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland
Pr Giannakopoulos, Head of the Service
May 2003-Sept 2003
Resident in the Division of Geriatrics/Diaconat clinic, Colmar, France
Medical Specialties
Mar 2014
Board Certificate of the “American Board of Anti-Aging Medecine (ABAARM)”
Nov 2011
Geriatrics Specialty
Federatio Medicorum Helveticorum (FMH)/Switzerland
April 2011
Diplomate of the “American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine” (ABAARM)/USA
Nov 2009
Internal Medicine specialty
Federatio Medicorum Helveticorum (FMH)/Switzerland
Academic titles
Oct 2002
Medical Diploma
Faculty of Medecine of Athens, National University “Ioannis Kapodistrias” of Athens, Greece. Average score 8.02/10
Grant of the ‘ Papadakis’ foundation.
March 2014
ERAS « Enhanced recovery after surgery » Certificate Fev 2010 19th IOF Advanced Training Course on Osteoporosis, Lyon,France
Management course for attending physicians.
Nov 2008
ACLS diploma (Advanced Cardiac Life Support )
Sep 2008
Inter-University diploma « Nutrition of the elderly » Faculty of Medicine “Paris VI-Université de Pierre et Marie Curie”, Paris, France
June 2007
Inter-University diploma in “Rheumatology and systemic diseases” Faculty of medicine “Louis Pasteur”/Strasbourg.
Nov 2006
Gerontology certificate of the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
June 2006
Course of Medical statistics
High School
High School Studies in the “Athens College”, Athens, Greece.
Mention: ‘Excellent’ (18.91/20). « John Vakis » Science
Prize, Music Prize
Original articles in peer-reviewed journals
Samaras D, Samaras N, Ferlay O, Papadopoulou MA, Pichard C. Cauliflower bowel: a tumor induced mesenteric retraction. Am J Med Sci. 2014 Apr;347(4):330 IF 1.25
Samaras N, Herrmann FR, Samaras D, Lang PO, Canuto A, Forster A, Hilleret H, Gold G. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: low sensitivity for depression screening in demented and non demented hospitalized elderly. Int Psychogeriatr. 2012 Sep 13:1-6. IF 2.24
Forster A, Samaras N, Graf C, Tille JC, Samaras D. Giant Mucinous Ovarian Tumor. Am J Med Sci. 2012 May 23. IF 1.25
Samaras D, Papadopoulou MA, Forster A, Samaras N. Lingua villosa nigra. Intern Med. 2012;51(11):1453. Epub 2012 Jun 1. IF1.04
Samaras N, Frangos E, Graf C, Samaras D. Ivory vertebrae and ribs. Eur Ger Med 2012 Jun ; 3(3) 184-5. IF 0.57
Samaras D, Samaras N, Bertrand PC, Forster A, Herrmann F, Lesourd B, Lang PO Comparison of the Interobserver Variability of 2 Different Methods of Dietary Assessment in a Geriatric Ward: A Pilot Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2011 Jul 14.IF 4.49
N. Samaras, A. Dimopoulou, A. Forster, D. Samaras Asymptomatic giant tuberculoma in an elderly patient. A case report. Eur Ger Med 2011
D. Samaras, A. Stravodimou, G. Rossi, N. Samaras A case of misplaced stomach bubble? Eur Ger Med 2010 Dec; 6(1): 369-371
D. Samaras, N. Samaras, P. Antonini, C. Ferrier, N. Vogt-Ferrier. Determining drug causation from geriatric clinical observations: The case study of a suspected hypersensitivity vasculitis with glomerular involvement associated with lansoprazole. Eur Ger Med 2010 Oct; 5(1): 310-313
Pautex S, Michon A, Guedira M, Emond H, Le Lous P, Samaras D, Michel JP, Herrmann F, Giannakopoulos P, Gold G. Pain in severe dementia: self-assessment or observational scales? J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006 Jul;54(7):1040-5. IF 3.656
Review articles in peer-reviewed journals
Samaras N, Papadopoulou MA, Samaras D, Ongaro F. Off-label use of hormones as an antiaging strategy: a review. Clin Interv Aging. 2014 Jul 23;9:1175-86 IF 1.8
Samaras N, Samaras D, Chambellan A, Pichard C, Thibault R. Pulmonary rehabilitation: the reference therapy for undernourished patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:248420. IF 2.7
Samaras N, Samaras D, Frangos E, Forster A, Philippe J. A review of age-related dehydroepiandrosterone decline and its association with well-known geriatric syndromes: is treatment beneficial? Rejuvenation Res. 2013 Aug;16(4):285-94. IF 3.9
Lang PO, Samaras N, Samaras D, Aspinall R. How important is vitamin D in preventing infections? Osteoporos Int. 2012Nov 17. IF 4.58
Samaras D, Samaras N, Lang PO, Genton L, Frangos E, Pichard C. Effects of widely used drugs on micronutrients: a story rarely told. Nutrition. 2013 Apr;29(4):605-10. IF 3.02
Samaras N, Forster A, Frangos E, Samaras D. La prévention de la démence. Quel est le rôle de l’exercice? Neurologie – Psychiatrie – Gériatrie (2013) 13, 172—178
Forster A, Samaras N, Notaridis G, Samaras D. Evaluation et dépistage des troubles de la déglutition. Neurologie – Psychiatrie – Gériatrie (2013) 13, 107-116
Samaras N, Samaras D, Lang PO, Forster A, Pichard C, Frangos E, Meyer P. A view of Geriatrics through hormones. What is the relation between andropause and well-known geriatric syndromes? Maturitas. 2012 Dec 27. IF 2.77
Samaras N, Frangos E, Forster A, Lang PO, Samaras D. Andropause: A review of the definition and treatment. Eur Ger Med. Sep 2012. IF 0.57
Lang PO, Samaras D, Samaras N. Testosterone replacement therapy in reversing «andropause »: What is the proof of principle? Rejuvenation Res. 2012 Jun 1. IF 4.2
Lang PO, Samaras D, Samaras N, Aspinall R. Influenza vaccination in the face of immune exhaustion: Is herd immunity effective for protecting the elderly? Influenza Research and Treatment Influenza Res Treat. 2011;2011:419216
A. Forster, N. Samaras, G. Gold, D. Samaras, Oropharyngeal dysphagia in older adults: A review. Eur Ger Med 2011. 356–362
Lang PO, Samaras D, Aging adults and seasonal influenza : Does the vitamin D status (h)arm the body? J Aging Res. 2012;2012:806198.
Samaras N, Chevalley T, Samaras D, Gold G. Older patients in the emergency department: a review. Ann Emerg Med. 2010 Sep;56(3):261-9. Review. IF 4.232
Letters in peer-reviewed journals
Samaras N, Schneider A, Frangos E, Forster A, Samaras D. A rare case of adrenal insufficiency induced by inhaled corticosteroids. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 May;61(5):841-2. IF 3.9
Samaras D, Braudé P, Huber O, Pichard C. Subcutaneous migration of a central veinous catheter. Clin Nutr. 2013 Aug;32(4):666-7 IF 3.9
Forster A, Assir N, Notaridis G, Samaras D, Samaras N. Mycobacterial arthritis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Oct;60(10):1976-8 IF 3.9
C. Soroken, N. Samaras, D. Samaras, P. Huber, An unusual case of cholecystitis and liver abscesses in an elderly patient. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2011 IF 3.913
Publications in journals without peer-reviewed analysis
Samaras N, Samaras D, Forster A, Frangos E, Philippe J. Age related dehydroepiandrosterone decrease: clinical significance and therapeutic interest.
Samaras N, Samaras D, Forster A, Frangos E, Philippe J. Rev Med Suisse. 2015 Jan 28;11(459):321-4. Review
Samaras N, Samaras D, Frangos E, Forster A. [Dementia prevention: potential treatments and how to target high risk patients]. Rev Med Suisse. 2013 May 22;9(387):1116-9. French.
Samaras N, Samaras D, Lang PO, Bridevaux PO, Gex G, Janssens JP, Pichard C. Broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive: risques et bénéfices d’un traitement de testostérone. Rev Med Suisse 2012, 8 : 2224-7
Samaras D, Samaras N, Lang PO, Genton-Graf L, Pichard C. Statut en vitamines et en oligo-éléments : impact des médicaments. Rev Med Suisse 2012 Juin 6 ;8(344):1229-36
Samaras D, Carmona G, Vischer U, Perrenoud JJ. Postprandial hypotension: an unclear clinical entity Rev Med Suisse. 2006 Nov 1;2(85):2456-8, 2460-1.
Brent A. Vogt, K. Nikos Fountoulakis, Dimitrios Samaras, Enikö Kövari, Leslie J. Vogt and Patrick R. Hof. Chapter 25. Cingulate Neuropathological Substrates of Depression. In : Brent A Vogt, editor. Cingulate Neurobiology and Disease. Oxford University Press ;2009. p. 53
Rizzoli René, Trombetti Andrea, Samaras Dimitrios, Hars Mélany, Sigaud-Guillermet Anne et Merminod Fanny; Evaluation of an oral nutritionnal supplement containing AN777 in elderly people with malnutrition or frailty (Dpt: Medical Specialties; Bone diseases; 2010, Protocole No: 10-175) Decision: Accepted on the: 08.04.11
Trombetti Andrea, Samaras D, Rossi G, Petropoulos IK, Samaras N, Carmona G, Herrmann FR, Rizzoli René et Ferrari Serge; 2006 (06-161); Influence of cataract simulators on the variability of gait parameters in adults. (Dpt: Rehabilitation and Geriatrics, Service of Bone diseases; 2006 Protocole No: 06-161) Decision: Accepted on the: 07.07.2006
35th ESPEN Convention, Leipzig, Germany, Septembre 2013. Poster presentation : D. Samaras, C. Pison, N. Cano,H. Lejeune, H. Roth, C. Pichard. Adequate selection of chronic respiratory failure malnourished patients may improve clinical outcomes and efficiency of a multimodal intervention: a posthoc analysis of a PRCT
Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Bordeaux, France, Décembre 2013. Poster presentation: J. Fournier, J. Mareschal, D. Samaras, P. Rigoli, L. Genton, H. Vees, L. Soguel Alexander: Raisons du refus de la pose d’une sonde naso-gastrique d’alimentation chez les patients atteints d’un cancer ORL traités par radiothérapie: Etude préliminaire.
Congrès annuel de la « Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie », Paris, Octobre 2012. Poster presentation: Samaras N, Frangos E, Samaras D. Renutrition chez le patient âgé : l’importance du suivi hormonal illustrée par un cas clinique.
9th annual convention « European Menopause and Andropause Society », Athènes, Mars 2012. Poster presentation: Samaras N, Samaras D. Hormonal profile after intravenous renutrition of a geriatric patient.
Annual convention of the « Gerontological Society of America », Boston November 2011. Poster presentation: Samaras N, Samaras D. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for Depression Screening in Elderly Inpatients in a Memory Consultation.
Annual convention of the « European Union Geriatric Medicine Society », Malaga September 2011. Poster presentation: Rossi C, Samaras N, Samaras D. «Tophaceous Gout and Bone Destruction as the First Symptom of Hyperuricemia in an Elderly Woman. A Case Report.»
Annual Convention of the American Geriatric Society, National Harbor MD May 2011. Poster presentation: Samaras D, Frangos E, Adamopoulos D, Samaras N. «Lingua villosa nigra in a geriatric patient».
7th European Convention of the ”International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics” (IAGG), April 2011. Poster presentation : Samaras D, Samaras N, Rossi G, Coti Bertrand P, Lesourd B. « Comparison of the inter-observatory reproducibility of two different methods of dietary assessment in a geriatric ward ».
Annual Convention of the American Geriatric Society, Orlando May 2010. Poster presentation : Samaras D, Samaras N, Rossi G, Coti Bertrand P, Lesourd B. « Comparison of the inter-observatory reproducibility of two different methods of dietary assessment in a geriatric ward ».
Annual Panhellenique medical convention, Athens, Greece, May 2001. Oral Presentation: ‘Association of allelic loss at fhit locus and P53 alterations with tumour kinetics and chromosomal instability in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinomas’.
Nov 2017
55ème Cours suisse de formation continue : Nutrition en chirurgie et aux soins intensifs
-Nutrition péri-opératoire
-Suivi de l’état nutritionnel et de la nutrition artificielle
April 2017
54ème Cours Suisse de formation en nutrition : Oncologie et nutrition
-Constipation et diarrhées : fibres alimentaires et médicaments
-Cas cliniques : présentation de groupe et discussion
Mar 2017
Moderator in the 29th Geneva day of clinical Nutrition Geneva University Hospitals. Le jeûne a-t-il une place en médecine? Faut-il adapter les schemas thérapeutiques?
Nov 2016
Insuffisance respiratoire chronique et nutrition Symposium Fresenius Kabi. Appetit et inflammation chronique
Nov 2016
53ème Cours suisse de formation continue : Nutrition en chirurgie et aux soins intensifs
-Nutrition péri-opératoire
-Suivi de l’état nutritionnel et de la nutrition artificielle
April 2016
52ème Cours Suisse de formation en nutrition : Oncologie et nutrition
-Constipation et diarrhées : fibres alimentaires et médicaments
-Cas cliniques : présentation de groupe et discussion
March 2016
28th Geneva day of clinical Nutrition Geneva University Hospitals
Vitamines et oligo-éléments: Interactions avec les médicaments
Nov 2014
Oncologie: Quoi de neuf en 2014 Symposium Fresenius Kabi
Jeûne et Cancer
Nov 2014
Formation continue, Hôpital du Jura
Vitamines et oligo-éléments: Interactions avec les médicaments
Oct 2014
49ème Cours suisse de formation continue : Nutrition en chirurgie et aux soins intensifs
-Nutrition péri-opératoire
-Suivi de l’état nutritionnel et de la nutrition artificielle
Jan 2014
Ligue Pulmonaire Genevoise
Testostérone chez le patient BPCO
Mai 2013
46ème Cours Suisse de formation en nutrition : Oncologie et nutrition
Nutrition entérale et surveillance. Suivi nutritionnel : Bilan clinique et biologique
Mars 2013
25e Journée genevoise de nutrition clinique et diétothérapie
-Testostérone et nutrition
Fev 2013
Forum des Plaies : Les plaies sous toutes les facettes CHUV Lausanne
-Bénéfice des acides aminés spécifiques sur les muscles
Déc 2012&Jan 2013
Programme de formation pour assistants en pharmacie, Groupement des Pharmaciens Hospitaliers Romands
-La nutrition dans le temps
-L’équipe de Nutrition : convivialité au repas et au travail
Novembre 2012
Programme de Formation, Antenne de diététiciens Genevois :
-Jeûne : De la matière dans le vide ?
Octobre 2012
45e cours suisse de formation en nutrition : Chirurgie-Soins intensifs :
-Nutrition péri-opératoire
-Suivi de l’état nutritionnel et de la nutrition artificielle
Juillet 2012
Programme de Formation, Hôpital de Beau-Séjour : Mieux appréhender le dépistage et la prise en charge de la
Juin 2012
Programme de Formation, Clinique de JOLI-MONT : Dénutrition
Avril 2012
44e cours suisse de formation en nutrition : Oncologie et Nutrition
-Constipation et diarrhées : fibres alimentaires et médicaments
-Cas cliniques : présentation de groupe et discussion
Mars 2012
24ème Journée Génévoise de Nutrition Clinique et Diétothérapie : Logiciel d’aide à la prescription nutritionnelle
Mars 2012
Programme de Formation, Clinique de JOLI-MONT : Ostéoporose : la prévention, une affaire personnelle
Sep 2011
Scientific colloquium of the Department of Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatrics: Vitamin D: When and How?
Mai 2011
Presentation for the Geriatrics Association: Vitamin D: When and How?
Nov 2010
Scientific colloquium of the Department of Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatrics: Orthostatic and postprandial hypotension
March 2010
Presentation for the Geriatrics Association: Pharmacological treatment of behaviour disorders in demented patients.
July 2006
Scientific colloquium of the Department of Rehabilitation and
Geriatrics: Postprandial Hypotension
–Reviewer for the peer-reviewed medical journals Clinical Nutrition, Journal of Nutrition Health and Ageing European Geriatric Medicine
–Teaching mandate at the department of Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Health Professions, Geneva/Switzerland
-March 2014
Président of the Jury for the «Nestlé Award for the young dietician»
-March 2014
Moderator on the 26th Geneva Day of Clinical Nutrition and Dietotherapy Geneva University Hospitals
-Scientific expert on Nutrition for http://www.rts.ch/decouverte/
English: excellent
French: excellent
Greek: excellent